Some time ago I came across a news where a person was admitted in hospital with discomfort and nausea. The tests revealed severe renal failure. The perplexing fact was that this patient's tests had shown healthy kidneys just a few weeks back. It turns out that this patient consumed a glass of bilimbi juice each every day for four days and by fifth day developed the said symptoms. detailed tests showed oxalate crystals in urine due and had to undergo weeks of treatment and hoemodialysis before he regained full health. Apparently the bilimbi juice consumption was done based on advise via YouTube by some self proclaimed "experts". On search I came across many other patients who were admitted in hospital due to the over consumption of bilimbi juice to treat their hypercholesterolemia. A good research would have revealed that there is no general prescribed daily dosage for bilimbi juice. All authentic sites give you the benefits, but advise you to consult a doctor before starting on the bilimbi for any health benefits.
Many of our attitudes are formed by hearsay or ideas projected to us through mass media, social media, cinema and literature. The Internet is flooded with videos, discussions, debates, advises and articles, many of which gives a singular dimension of the truth. We often forget that there is a huge difference between Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth. Our selective amnesia on this important fact make our attitudes dangerously jaundiced and biased.
One such topic is our apathy towards the govt health infrastructure and personnel. The Whole Truth about this can be found only with effort, time and humility to accept that our knowledge and exposure is limited. Kerala has one of india's best health infrastructure. Another strength is the proactive Community medicine department in Kerala that was noticed by public only after its contributions to effectively control the Nippa outbreak.
1 comment:
Very True Lily ! Same is the case with high oxalate content ayurvedic products.
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